Navigating the world of interior design and running a business can be challenging, and along the way, I've made my share of mistakes. These experiences have taught me invaluable life lessons that I'd like to share with you.
Here are 3 important lessons I learned:
1. Know your worth.
Understanding and valuing your worth is crucial for any interior designer. Early in my career, I made the mistake of undervaluing my services, which not only impacted my earnings but also affected how clients perceived my work.
Your time and talent is valuable. Do not underestimate that by undercutting
your fees or letting a client walk all over you. Charge what you're worth.
Research industry standards and set your prices accordingly. Don’t undervalue your skills and experience. Clearly articulate the value you bring to a project. This includes your design expertise, project management skills, and the quality of your work.
Practice discussing your fees confidently and clearly so clients understand the value behind your pricing. In the beginning it can be difficult to remember your worth, but by valuing yourself appropriately, your client will too.
2. Know when to walk away.
Not every client or project is the right fit. Early in my career, I accepted projects that weren’t aligned with my style or involved clients who were difficult to work with, leading to stress and unsatisfactory outcomes.
Learn to recognize red flags early on, such as unrealistic expectations, poor communication, or a misalignment in design vision. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off about a project or client, trust your instincts and consider whether it’s worth the potential issues.
Now, I do not recommend making a habit of letting clients go, but know when you're not being respected and learn when it's burden to your mental health. Give yourself permission to walk away. It goes back to #1: know your worth, and know when the job is not worth the burden to your heart.
3. Be confident in your abilities.
I believe humility is a vital quality of a great designer, but so is confidence. Confidence is key to success in interior design. Early in my career, I often second-guessed my decisions and relied too heavily on client input, which sometimes compromised the design quality.
So believe in yourself and what you can do. Remember, if this was something the client could do themselves, they would. They have hired you for your talents. If you behave with certainty, your client will appreciate your decisiveness and abilities!
I had to learn these three lessons (and many more) over the years, and really, it all came down to believing in myself, setting healthy boundaries, and balancing servitude with confidence.
Learning from mistakes is an essential part of growing as an interior designer and business owner. By knowing your worth, understanding when to walk away, and being confident in your abilities, you can navigate challenges more effectively and build a successful, fulfilling career.
Nowadays, I have the confidence required to be professional and valuable to my client, and it has made all the difference!
I teach courage and confidence in my online course, along with all the information you need to start your own successful interior design business. Click "course" at the top of the page to learn more!
This is really great advice. I think people assume you aren't going to charge them to tell them how to design their home to be functional, comfortable and stylish. They think your opinion is free. They don't want to pay for your advice. But it's not advice, it's a learned skill and it's your time as well. You need to make sure to let them know that otherwise they might try to discount your worth. I might actually charge by the hour. That way if they want to book me, they have to pay. I can use an app like Taskmaster to charge for my time before going to see the client.